Get Involved
Church Volunteers
We are delighted to have a very dedicated and loyal team of people who care for, support and maintain St Helen’s Church and Churchyard and also help with our services and events. We welcome and encourage everyone to get involved in what ever way they feel comfortable, be in practically, financially or through prayer.
Whether you are comfortable helping care for the Churchyard, serving refreshments, meeting and greeting at services, setting up for services, flower arranging, reading lessons, leading prayers, cleaning the brass, overseeing the book stall, there are ways for everyone to be involve. We welcome everyone to be become a part of the Church community. Please remember St Helen’s and our local community in your prayers.
If you would like to find out more please do contact our Churchwarden, Heather Conolly, at or come along to one of services.
Heritage Volunteers
We also have a dedicated team of volunteers working on our heritage project but we always welcome new faces and extra hands.
Whether you can spare an hour or a day a month we would love to hear from you. We have a huge range of roles available from researching local history, writing pieces for the website, recording oral histories and tour guiding to baking to mention a few.
If you would like to find out more and discuss how you could get involved please contact Caroline Wandless or come along to one of our monthly meetings to meet the team and learn about the project.
Dates can be found on our What’s On page.
You can make a donation to our church directly from our website using the link below: